Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Angry Man & The results are in!

Not well enough to go into work yesterday or today...Just can't seem to think straight. I think the Prescribed Drugs are taking a pretty heavy toll on me at the moment....Was not well enough to hit the streets for a walk last night either... :( Oh well, hopefully I can regain some energy and get out there before the end of the week. Pretty uneventful, unproductive day yesterday really, spent a lot of time looking up websites about Diabetes etc...ended up just confusing myself even more. Oh well.

The mood thing...Oh yes I have been the Angry, Angry man! The lack of Sugar for the last couple of days has sent me a little loopy really. Maybe I should have saved my wife and kids the torment and taken a trip to a mountain or something. Everything is pressing my buttons at the moment...So I have been labelled Happy Gilmore....Quick to get angry and explode and just as quick to apologise. I think I can also put it down to having quite a lot of fear and anxiety about today's official results but really there is no excuse to take it out on the ones you love, but boy it is hard not to. Ok so before I move on to the results here is yesterdays report.

Daily Report (Yesterday):

Exercise - Nada

Food Intake:

Breakfast - Porridge, Skim Milk, 1/2 teaspoon of Honey, 2 Glasses of Water

Snack - Low Fat Vanilla Yogurt, piece of fruit

Lunch -1 x small can of Tuna & Teaspoon of Low fat Mayonnaise on Sour Dough Bread, A glass of Water

Dinner - Stir Fry made with a Heap of Veges and only one Chicken Thigh included in the whole stir fry - Thanks Bernece, One Cup of Cooked Rice - 2 glasses of water.

Other - One leftover Pork Sausage - I know, I know but it was only one at least it wasn't all 3 plus the beef one that was in the fridge!

Mood: Worried, scared and angry

Weight Loss to Date: Dunno but the clothes feel a little looser

The Results of my blood test are in! AND......

It ain't good. Oh yes it is official I am Diabetic - Type 2 and will have to go on medication to get my Sugar Levels down, which when tested was 17.4, I also need the medication to keep the levels under control. This morning I had a reading of 13.4 which I am much happier about. Doctor has referred me to a Dietitian, Podiatrist & a Exercise physiologist to help me on my journey...apparently under an Australian Government Scheme I can get 5 subsidised visits under medicare rebate, so I may as well take advantage of it. I went down to Diabetes Australia and took out Membership - got heaps of information from them, if you ever get diagnosed or have any questions I highly recommend seeking them out, they were so friendly and certainly put my mind at ease about a lot of issues. I am not feeling great about the fact I know have a lifetime condition but at least I am a little more informed. The medication I have been given is Diabex, the information sheet says that you are likely to lose weight when taking this medication - Sounds Awesome! oh and other possible side effects are Nausea, Vomiting, headache, muscle pain, diarrhoea and skin rashes, but hey at least I might lose a few kilos!

Now the even more bad news....yes there is more....the little issue of Cholesterol....Hmmmm apparently a good Triglyceride (bad fat) level is between 0 - 1.5 yes well....mine...17! So guess what...MORE DRUGS...YAY!!!! (not) fortunately the diet that I need to maintain for Diabetes also reduces the Triglyceride levels so with medication and proper diet, I can reduce my Cholesterol and maintain a healthy blood sugar level range.

Well what a day, I think I am just feeling somewhat depressed and angry at myself for letting my body get to a stage where it just does not want work to keep up with my chosen way of life. The Doctor did say he was happy that I came in when I did as I am young (what a great and there are things I can do help my situation. I just hope I can keep up the motivation. No that is crap! I either will or I won't...... and I will!


1 comment:

  1. Go that pork sausage! I started my day with a lamington role and cream. I think breakfast is my worst meal of the day for diet. Is diabetes really a lifetime disease? i was under the impression that once you get your lifestyle good it could go away.
