Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dietician & other Inspirations!

Well I thought after a visit to the dietician is a good a time as any to continue with my weight loss exploits – so here ya go!

I am happy to report that the dietician is extremely happy with my weight loss efforts over the last 5 weeks. Remembering I was first diagnosed with Diabetes and High (dangerously high) cholesterol back in July? Well that was around 20 weeks ago. In that 20 weeks I have discovered a lot about how the body functions and why the body reacts the way it does…especially to different varieties of food. I can’t say things have been totally easy. Some foods you just know are not good for you but you still crave them just the same. I have been in many situations where I could quite easily have yielded to temptation, but they pay off for giving in is just not worth it…really it isn’t. I have been amazed by the response of the majority of people who have asked me “how have you done it?” When I explain that I have pretty much ruled out all sugar i.e. Lollies, chocolate, cake etc… the reaction is always pretty much “no way could I do that!” you know what…YES YOU CAN! It reminds me of a story that I was told about a guy who had a friend that was a Concert level pianist. While listening to him play he said to him “You know, I would do anything to be able to play the piano as well as you!” His friend responded while still playing…”anything but practice!” If you are overweight and struggling I am sorry to have to tell you – it is not easy, it does not happen overnight or all at once. I used to be stuck in that belief, that once you actively start to do something about your weight it should just drop off you…Well it took me 20 years to get my body in the state that it is in why would it only take 6 months to fully recover. Thankfully our bodies have the ability to recover in a short period of time. 1 or 2 years of hard work to make up for 20 years of neglect are not a bad return! Anyway enough of the lecture…just come to realize that you can DO IT, it will be hard, you will have moments where you hate every minute and other moments where you will enjoy your every moment, but is that unlike life itself? Time to get livin! One last thing, we have all made choices in our lives, if what you are putting in your mouth is bad for you, make the conscious decision to not do it. If we know that sitting around doing nothing is going to be bad for our physical health...then make the choice to get out there and do some exercise…If you are not happy…CHANGE!

Ok on to the good stuff! (bout time I hear you sigh). In 20 weeks I have now lost a total of 27.1 kgs – VERY Happy with that! I know things will get tougher but I am really enjoying my new body. I have now joined a gym and have been attending as much as possible over the last 2 weeks. My last visit was Monday night where I did a cardio session on the treadmill – Just over 5kms and a burn of just over 500 calories. I was on the treadmill an hour and went through a gamut of emotions. I did Interval training which consists of walking at a steady pace then, at the moment, every 4 minutes jump up the speed for 1.5 to 2 minutes. To start I have been warming up at 6 kms per hour, then interval jog/run @ 9kms per hour with a 12km/hour burst before the cool down walk at 5kms per hour. Surprisingly, it felt awesome! My body today felt great! Maybe the pain will come…maybe it won’t but I know I am very much looking forward to my next work out!

In other news. I am extremely stoked that I am now able to buy some clothes straight off the rack at regular clothing stores and look forward to be doing it on a more permanent basis.

Lastly – I have some awesome, awesome friends, all of the support I have been given is noted and inspires me to do better! I love each and every one of you for your support – You are awesome! (Oh yeah I’m sharing the love!)

I hope to get one more blog in before Christmas, something to hopefully keep you all motivated over the busiest “food” period of the year!

Till next time!
