Wednesday, November 4, 2009

50 Things I hate (hated) about being Fat! (in no particular order)

Just so I can remind myself and possibly others of how important it is to keep losing weight when you get a little discouraged. I look forward to people adding their own "things" to the list...

  1. Struggling to tie up your shoe laces.
  2. Not having the energy to kick a football with your Son.
  3. People staring at you at a food court.
  4. People staring at you in general.
  5. Walking around with your wife and seeing the "How did that fat guy get a wife like that!" look in their eyes.
  6. Shopping in the king size section and still finding nothing to wear
  7. Shopping at shops called "Big Guys", "King Size Menswear" or "The Portly Gentleman"
  8. The Beach
  9. The Pool
  10. Going any place you need to wear Togs
  11. People yelling abuse at you randomly while you walk down the street
  12. How I feel about myself
  13. Getting on a plane and asking for the seat belt extension
  14. Not being able to lower your tray table on a plane
  15. Taking up 2 seats on a train
  16. Mirrors
  17. Back Steps
  18. Other fat people telling you it is OK to be fat!
  19. People saying - "You look good in that outfit" when I know that I really don't
  20. Doctors that tell me that I need to lose weight when I am seeing them about a cold or flu
  21. Having to pick up stuff you have dropped with your toes
  22. Not seeing your toes
  23. Not being able to have a relaxing bath
  24. Not being able to run around and play with your kids
  25. No jumping on a trampoline
  26. Scales
  27. Waiting for your family to get back from hiking
  28. Making excuses for myself
  29. Watching friends participate in sport
  30. Snoring
  31. Sweating while you eat
  32. Sweating while you get dressed
  33. Diabetes
  34. Trying to get changed in a car
  35. Having your son tell you that he hopes you won't die soon
  36. Having a niece tell you they think it is ok to be fat themselves because they think you are fat and are still really happy.
  37. Booths at a restaurant
  38. Being too tired and lacking motivation to get out there and do something fun
  39. High Cholesterol
  40. Feeling like you take about a hundred pills a day as medication
  41. Not being able to play "Once there was a Snowman" and "ring a ring a rosie" with your kids
  42. Limitations on hiding positions for family "hide and go seek"
  43. Falling asleep for no apparent reason
  44. Growing out of your favourite Shirt/Pants
  45. Only being able to wear High Fashion labels such as Target & Kmart
  46. Wishing you could go for one of those "long walks on a beach" with your sweetheart
  47. Feeling like you are a burden on everyone
  48. Not being able to find comfortable Jeans
  49. Asking people if they thought I might have put on weight and them not being honest and saying "No, you look fine"
  50. Man boobs!

Watch out for my next enthralling "50 Most" lists in the future....


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